Guess what I did today?

>> Friday, October 24, 2008

Today I met a new friend for coffee and some how we ended up in the lake behind her house kayaking. I have never been before so I was excited to try it out. It wasn't exactly the ideal day weather wise to go, but that didn't stop up us. It was a very windy day and I wasn't in the best kayaking clothes, but I had a great time on my first excusion. I think I might be ready for class 5 rapids on my next trip. You wake up on a Friday morning thinking your day will be on the routine side of life until you start talking to someone who has two kayaks sitting in their garage. What else were we supposed to do? I did learn one thing, you can get pretty wet when you are kayaking in the wind. I was drenched but loved every minute of it. Well, all of it except the herd of spiders that decided they wanted a fun Friday kayaking adventure as well. Next time I am leaving them on land. Here is a picture of the shoes I wore.


lori bunk October 24, 2008 at 9:11 PM  

that sounds like so much fun!

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